Espero que tenham tido uma óptima festa!
Por cá fizemos a árvore de Natal:
Well, Christmas has come and go! I hope everyone had a great time!
Here, we made the Christmas tree:
e o presépio:
and the Crib:
Esta é uma foto enganadora! A maior parte do tempo o presépio está como na primeira foto!! / Don't be fool by this picture, most of the time the crib looks like it is in the first picture!!! |
decorate our fireplace and we made our advent calendar with books:
podem ver como fizemos o calendário aqui / you can see how we made our book's calendar here |
penduramos coroas na porta:
we hang wreaths on the door:
esta é a coroa que está cá dentro, há outra da parte de fora da porta, segui uma ideia do blog prettycrafty aqui mas, não encontro as fotografias dessa coroa!!!! / this is the wreath inside, there is another one hang outside, I follow an idea of the prettycrafty blog here, but I can't find the pictures I take!!! :P |
little Papgena had lots of fun in her school's Christmas party:
e trouxe os trabalhos, que nos ofereceu:
and brought some of her works as her gifts:
a minha barriga continua em expansão:
My belly is growing and growing:
a fotografia foi tirada no dia 25 de Dezembro, 37 semanas, estou enorme!!!!!! / the picture was taken on the 25th December, I'm sooooo huge!!!!!!!!!!!! |
e estes são os gadgets que fazem parte da minha rotina diária:
these are the gadgets that I have to use everyday, several times a day:
and a sneak peak of what I did to little papgena on Christmas:
And that’s it!!!!
Hi there Papgena and Merry Christmas!
ResponderEliminarLove the Christmas decorations and every single detail you paid attention to!
You look beautiful - don't stress about that!