sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2013

Coelhos em 5 minutos / 5 minute Bunnies

5 min bunnies

5 min bunnies
copo descartável (no meu caso, um copo plástico branco, com 40 cl de capacidade)
disposable cup (in my case, a white plastic cup with 40 cl capacity)

5 min bunnies
colar o pom-pom e uns olhinhos, com cola quente, ao copo 
glue google eyes and the pom-pom to the cup

Encher o copo com chocolates ou amêndoas! Fill it with candy!
No meu caso, enchi-o com terra e hortelã! In my case I filled it with earth and mint.

5 min Bunnies

E fiz 25!! And I did 25!

5 min Bunnies

Sorriso rasgado
Feliz Páscoa / Happy Easter
PS - Sou uma blogger terrível! Insisto em desaparecer e não cumprir promessas. Sei que prometi mostrar a casa depois das obras e ainda só mostrei a nova divisão e nada de mostrar os quartos dos dois miúdos.
Pois…como hei-de dizer isto? hemmm…bom, vou dizê-lo: a minha casa continua um pandemónio! Ah pois é!!
Não me perguntem o que eu faço ao tempo, foge-me, literalmente!
A pequena Papgena já dorme no quarto novo, embora ele esteja muito pouco arrumado e o pequeno Panda ainda não dorme no quarto dele, porque ainda está cheio de ‘tralha’ para arrumar!
Um destes dias, arrisco-me a que o Papageno se chateie e pegue em tudo me despache para um sitio que nós sabemos!

I’m a terrible blogger, I know! I keep disappearing and I don’t keep my promises. I know I promised to show the house after work and still, I only showed the new division.
Well ... how do I say this? hemmm ... well, I'll say it: my house is still a mess! Oh it is!
Do not ask me what I do with my the time, escapes me, literally!
Little Papgena now sleeps in the new room, although it is not neat and little Panda doesn’t sleep in his room  yet because it’s still full of 'stuff' to clear up!
One of these days, I risk upset Papageno and he’ll take things in his hands!

 Língua de fora

Enfim…eu vou arrumando mas, é muito pouquinho de cada vez! Mas, convenhamos que os dias deviam ter mais que 24 horas!
Anyway ... I'm working on it but it is very little at a time! But, days should be more than 24 hours!

 Piscar de olho

Para além de TUDO o que eu já fazia, ainda me voluntariei para a associação de pais da escolinha da pequena Papgena e confesso-vos…é outro trabalho! Perde-se muito tempo ou ganha-se porque eu estou a adorar mas, a verdade é que o ‘meu’ tempo ainda encolheu mais!
Besides ALL that I did, I also volunteered for Little Papgena’s school parents association  and I confess to you ... is another job! You lose a lot of time or earn up because I am enjoy it a lot, but the truth is that 'me' time shrank even more!

Sorriso rasgado

9 comentários:

  1. OLá!!! Realmente dias com mais horas seriam do agrado de muita gente :D
    Os coelhinhos ficaram uma graça e a ideia da hortelã excelente!
    Desejo que consiga por em ordem o que precisa o mais rápido possível.
    Feliz Páscoa para todos!

    Ana Love Craft

    1. Obrigada!
      Espero que a Páscoa tenha sido óptima apesar do tempinho ruim!!
      Os meus dias continuam a fugir-me! :D

  2. Hi!
    I see that you're busy busy :) with the kids and house. I guess that's just called life :) If not busy we would get bored :) or maybe not - we would have more time for our crafts

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't know if it's bravery or insanity to have another baby so soon :)

    1. busy, busy, busy! You can say that again! :D
      I know that when my daughter was 18 monts I wasn't thinking having a another baby! ;) but my daughter was a difficult baby (she still is a demanding little girl :P) so, if your baby is a calm boy, it can be a smart move, having another baby now! All the best!

  3. This really made my day. Bunny in 5 minutes! So smart!

    1. Thank you! :D
      I made some of them without the google eyes, the time dropped to 2 and half minutes and they were cute too!!! ;)

    2. I thought the pompom took up most of the 5 minutes, never knew the eyes needed so much time. I suspect it must be the perfect positioning of the eyes! Good job! :) Must be cute if we can plant carrot on this, but that'll need a bigger container and won't no longer look as cute as this.

  4. that's a cute idea and so quick to make. I too am a procrastinator when it comes to doing things around the house. You're house looks really nice and spacious. I really like the closet and how you put your desk in there. I haven't been blogging in so long and miss it very much but I've been busy with family. hope you're doing well. My cousin is going to Portugal in the next few weeks and I thought of you. Have a great day my friend.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, it's so nice to hear from you! I hope everything is allwright with you and your family.
      I hope your cousin have really nice weather! We usually, by this time of year, enjoy a fantastic sun but, this year the rain doesn't seem to go away! If you need advice in what to visit, drop me a line! :)


Gosto imenso de saber o que pensa e tento sempre responder / I love that you can share your opinions, I allways try to answer back