terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

T-shirt da aniversariante/ Birthday girl's T-shirt

Como tinha escolhido o tema da Branca de Neve, imprimi um desenho só da parte da cara da boneca e recortei o cabelo. Depois peguei nesse molde e cortei em feltro preto, o cabelo. Com feltro vermelho fiz a fita e o laço.
As I had chosen the theme of Snow White, I printed doll's face and clipped so I got the hair. Then I used it as a mold and cut in black felt. I use red felt to do the ribbon and lace.
Fiz o  mesmo para as costas mas, usei como molde um desenho da parte de trás da cabeça da boneca.
I did the same in the back but used a doll's back head drawing instead.

Só falta mostrar as lembranças das crianças e o bolo, fiquem atentos!
I will show the children's gifts and the cake...stay tune!

8 comentários:

  1. So cute!! My little one is into princesses and would love one.

  2. :)
    I'm sure you will come up with something even cutter!!!

  3. what a great idea you had of using the picture as a template to cut the felt. I can do that with Spider man's shadow, my son loves Spiderman and the t-shirts are so expensive. Thanks for sharing this with us, I'm going to give it a try.

  4. I'm so glad that you like it! :)
    I think that it will work well with spider man or with other character that has a distinctive form.
    I would love to see what you come up with!

  5. I love the shirt! Great idea with the Snow White's head!

  6. Thank you 'Jesson and Rey Ann'.
    I'm so gald you lik it, Maya!

  7. ups!!!!
    I'm so glad you like it, Maya!!!!
    Sorry, miss the keys... :P


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