segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Feliz Dia de S. Valentim!/ Happy Valentine’s Day!

Era uma vez uma camisola que estava a ficar curta e um vestido que estava a ficar apertado:
Once upon a time there was a sweater that was getting short and a dress that was getting tight:
Então o vestido foi dividido ao meio:
The dress was cut in half:
E a saia uniu-se à camisola.
De uma das mangas cortaram-se 4 corações.
Três para aplicar à frente:
The bottom of the dress and the sweater team up, then.
From one of the sleeves 4 hearts were cut.
Three were on the front:
E um para aplicar atrás:
And one for the back:
E a pequena Papgena ganhou um novo vestido para a festa da escola.
And little Papgena has now a new dress for the school’s party!
Feliz dia de S. Valentim!
Happy Valentine’s Day!

7 comentários:

  1. that turned out so cute, I love how you transform her clothes and make them look stylish too. You make it look so easy. With boys there's not very many options. I do turn their old levi's into shorts.

    Happy V-day to you too!

  2. Agree with Maria about this one! You managed to pair them fantastically and get a gorgeous and stylish new dress!!

  3. O vestido está muito giro e bem pensado para a quadra! Mas também gosto muito da pose da pequena papgena na última foto : parece que vai ser revistada - pernas afastadas e mãos na parede! LOL :) (eu percebo que era para mostrar o coração)

  4. @ Maria: Thank you!! Well, my main difficulty was loosing the fear of cutting the clothes! That was a huge step for me!
    But, everytime I do something like this, I loose a little more of my fear and I learn a little more too, so it's getting easier!

    @ Maya: Thank you!! Little Papgena was very happy with her new dress, and her school party was a success!!!

    @ CK: I'm glad you like it! :D

    @ Rachel: Thank you so much!

    @ Sabi: Obrigada! Eu também me fartei de rir! Honestamente não sei de onde veio aquela pose! Ainda lhe tentei tirar outra fotografia mas ela já se tinha cansado e fugiu! :P

  5. OMG adorable yet again! Thank you for contributing to Refashion First Friday!

    & Refashion Co-Op Editors


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