Este fim-de-semana, esteve um sol lindo e por isso, no sábado, decidi tratar do meu jardim que estava em muito mau estado:
This weekend, was a gorgeous sun and so, on suturday, I decided to go outside and gardening because it was a mess:
This weekend, was a gorgeous sun and so, on suturday, I decided to go outside and gardening because it was a mess:
Com estes meses de chuva contínua as minhas plantas ficaram com este aspecto horroroso.
O vaso grande é de cravos, o vaso grande com uma estaca foi de um feijoeiro, um projecto do ano passado, combinado com a creche, para a miúda ver crescer as plantas.
Os outros vasos, tinham rótulos a dizer o que eram mas, já não se lê nada!
Por isso, o que fizemos foi esvaziar todos os vasos da terra ensopada e cheia de raízes. Os cravos foram realojados no mesmo vaso mas, com uma mistura de terra diferente.
Entretanto, tinha uma caixa plástica rectangular que costumava ser o aquário da tartaruga cá de casa. No entanto, achamos por bem comprar um maior, a bichinha tem crescido e tinha essa caixa parada.
Assim, pedi ao mais-que-tudo que fizesse vários buraquitos ao longo dos lados maiores (eu e o berbequim não temos uma boa relação):
Do you see what I mean?
In these months of continuous rain my plants were with this horrific aspect.
The large vessel has carnations; the large vessel, with a stick, was a bean, a project, last year, with the day-care, so the kid could watch the plants grow.
The other vessels had labels, saying what they were, but fade away!
So what we did was to empty all the vessels of soaked and full of roots’ earth. The carnations were relocated in the same vessel but with a mixture of different land.
I had a rectangular plastic box that used to be our turtle’s aquarium. However, we thought it was better to buy a larger one, because he has grown and this box was empty.
So, I asked my husband to made several little holes along the long sides (the drill and I do not have a good relationship):
Para não me esquecer do que vai estar na terra, peguei nos frascos que vou guardando (e que já tiveram compotas, azeitonas, café, etc) e coloquei lá dentro as embalagens das sementes.
Depois colei com fita de pintor à caixa. Mas, não gostei nada do aspecto e, ainda por cima, a fita acabou antes de os colar todos!!!
I filled it with earth and in parallel rows; me and my daughter, put seeds of onions, basil, tomatoes, carrots and flowers.
In order that we don’t forget what will be on the ground, I took the jars that I'll keep (and that used to have jam, olives, coffee, etc.) and placed inside, the packaging of seeds.
Then, I try to stick them to the box with tape. But I didn’t like how it looks and on top of that, the tape ended it just before I could stick all the jars!
Por isso, no domingo, descolei os frascos todos e resolvi usar a pistola de cola quente. Ficou com um aspecto muito mais limpo e arrumadinho:
So on Sunday, I took off all the jars and decided to use the hot glue gun.
I think it looks much better:
Detail of the label inside the bottle:
gora é só esperar que a natureza faça crescer as plantinhas! Assim como descobrir se a cola quente vai resistir à passagem do tempo e das estações mas, para já, o meu jardim ficou muito mais bonito e apresentável!!!! :)
Now we're waiting for nature to make the plants grow! And we'll find out if the hot glue will withstand the test of time and seasons, but for now, my garden is so much more beautiful and pleasent!! :)
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