quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010

Páscoa Feliz/Happy Easter

Desejo a todos uma boa Páscoa!
E deixo aqui uma pregadeira que fiz para a minha mãe mas, que pode ser uma boa ideia para oferecer a uma Madrinha!
I wish you all a happy Easter.
This is a brooch I made to my mother but it is also a good gift for a godmother!

6 comentários:

  1. The brooch is simply breath taking!
    I love the combination of colours and especially the center piece! It is gorgeous!

  2. Thank you!
    For your visit and complement!
    I do think the center piece is very beuatiful.
    I bought it to this girl http://contasearames.blogs.sapo.pt/
    The word, in portuguese, is camafeu.
    In a next atempt I think I would use two layers of felt to each layer of color, to give more 'body' to the work.

  3. Thank you, Molly! And thanks for your visit!

  4. Oooh . . . I love it! Elegant and beautiful! Thanks for adding it to the stocking stuffer list!

  5. @ Elizabeth: Your stocking stuffer list is so fun!


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